The Moon

August 26, 2012 § 3 Comments

 Just one of those fabulous flights
A trip to the moon on gossamer wings

Cole Porter, Jubilee 1935

Unlike most people, Gene was not happy that men walked on the moon. Even though his buddy John Kennedy had spearheaded the remarkable campaign, it didn’t appeal to Gene. In his mind, “the moon was a thing of romance that you could point out to your girl.” As he said to me one night back in 1987: “I was the saddest guy in the world when they landed on the moon. There went years of romance—not just with girls but moonlight walks and nights alone in the desert.”

People often ask me if Gene was romantic and it surprises me because to me he was the epitome of romance. And the moon figured in this with us as well. Gene frequently had trouble sleeping and would stay up much of the night. On evenings when the moon was full, he would wake me and take me out onto the balcony so we could enjoy the moon together as it hung in the sky over the palm trees next door.

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